Saturday, November 25, 2006

Burden/Edwards/Vela website

For the Ballet Folklorico group:

The 'WWW' at the end MUST be in all caps, (I found that out after 30 minutes of futzing w/it, much to my dismay). Obviously, its still under construction, but it should have more info up shortly.

Friday, November 24, 2006

I am very pleased!


Overall (though a few people have lagged substantially behind), the insights that individuals have been posting to "comments" on the various readings have been absolutely superb: thoughtful, incisive, questioning, and generally terrific. I am extremely pleased and impressed and wish only that I had made more extensive use of this approach earlier in the semester. Live and learn, I guess.

It is not too late to contribute to these: even if you are tardy (missing deadlines), go ahead and comment anyway--it can't hurt. Also, do feel free to continue to comment not only on the article and my questions, but also upon others' comments.

The next set of discussion questions (for Jones-Bamman article in Post) are up on WebCT under "Materials - Week 14 - Links". Please note that I have also added one or two audio files referenced in the article, under "Audio," for your reference.

We are heading into our last few class sessions. That being the case, we will prioritize (1) review of the comments/discussions that have been so successful on the blog; (2) discussion on the one or two articles remaining to be read (I will indicate which during class); (3) review and discussion of team websites. Team websites should therefore be completed (suitably for grading) by Thursday 11.30 11am--grades will be assigned on the basis of website status as of that day/date/time.

Thanks for your excellent work during my conference hiatus. Can't wait to get back into discussions!
